My name is Gareth Rayner, the founder of Level 6, and I used to have a struggling business consulting business.
What I’ve found with some fellow iPEC grads is they are challenged. They feel like they’re in isolation after finishing Mod 3, especially when it comes to marketing and sales. They know they have the skills and experience to be great coaches, but they have no idea how to market their coaching services.
That was me. I felt overwhelmed by sales and marketing when I started. How do you effectively and powerfully enroll clients without feeling ‘salesy and pushy’?
You’ve built your website, spent endless hours on social media, created content, went to networking groups, and worked really hard to build your email lists and funnels.
But it’s just not working.
Maybe you’re like I was, thinking if you don’t figure it out soon, you’re going to have to give up coaching and go back to getting a “real job.”
The truth is, as Rich Litvin states in his book The Prosperous Coach, no high-paying coaching client has ever been created outside of a coaching conversation.
That’s why I created Level 6 – to give iPEC grads the tools, the support, and the structure and accountability they need to continue on their coaching journey.
To help them learn how to market and sell themselves effectively offline with a system that facilitates powerful conversations with prospective clients, so they start earning enough income to coach full-time.
The truth is, like most iPEC coaches, you already have all the skills necessary to build a client list, you just don’t know how to use them.
I want to show you how!
But I should warn you, this program is NOT for everyone.

Even with my belief in coaching I still had reservations on how well the coaching process would help in my situation. How wrong I was! Thank you, Gareth, for helping me in my time of need.
- Paul H.
Why I Know I Can Help You Get Clients
We’re probably a lot alike. I spent years in the business trenches. My career path took me up the corporate ladder. I was a QA lead and then transitioned to a business analyst position, than lead analyst, and finally operations manager for a few companies in tech and IT.
Through it all, I had a burning desire to help people. I’d learned so much from mentors and both professional and personal development. I saw so much need.
So I decided to become a coach.
Then I earned my iPEC certification. That along with a number of other skills I’d picked up along the way made me feel like I could help so many people but especially business owners.
Except, no clients beat down my door.
I struggled with making sales. I tried a variety of online and offline strategies and tactics, got frustrated, and felt like becoming a coach was a mistake.
However, through a sequence of weird coincidences, I stumbled upon a framework that was . . .
And easily duplicated.
Level 6 started when I ‘took the leap’ in March of 2019 after having the ONE enrollment breakthrough that was a game changer.
With this new knowledge in hand, I decided to start coaching full time. I spent the next year building on that model and creating a prospecting and enrollment system (now the Level 6 Outreach and Enrollment (O&E) System) that is now empowering me and my team to convert upwards of 90% of enrollment calls.
No. That’s not a typo. We convert 90% of enrollment calls.
We do all of this without being pushy, manipulative, or acting like a jerk (I hate those sales people.) I care about every prospect, and I give them ways to improve right now even if they never sign with me. Most of all, I see how much I could help them transform their businesses and lives.
That’s powerful.
It’s not a sales call. It’s just me having a great conversation with someone I truly care about.
That could be you. I will teach you how I do it. I will walk you through each and every step.
But first, a little more about who Level 6 is …
Level 6 is a team of iPEC business coaches. We have banded together to support local, family-owned small business owners who are struggling to get to the next level. We help them learn the art of energy leadership and build predictable and profitable business models, so they can start working less, earning more, and being the role model they want to be for their kids.
Level 6 is NOT in the business of ‘coaching coaches.’ We are looking to help iPEC coaches build a repeatable, sustainable coaching business no matter what your area of coaching.
In addition, we are looking for 13 more coaches to join our team if you qualify and if the opportunity seems right to you. There are THOUSANDS of small businesses out there right now that are struggling. We need more iPEC coaches to help us help as many of these struggling business owners as we can, now more than ever.
I know you’re skeptical. I would be, too.
There are dozens of ads showing up in my social media feeds promising 6-figure business, funnel secrets, Google page rankings, and “systems” that promise to make coaching easy. Some of these may be okay. Some might even be pretty good, but I’m willing to bet that not one of them is willing to do what I’m promising:
Build a solid coaching business in a 21 day span, or I’ll give you your money back.
Because I know something these advertisers won’t tell you: Building a coaching business is not easy. Do 5 minutes of research about marketing your coaching business and you’ll be flooded by thousands of possibilities, much of them contradictory, expensive, and confusing.
Nothing is easy.
Sometimes a coaching business is hard. Often times, it’s a lot of work. And for some coaches, it takes more than they’re willing to do.
That’s okay.
The 21 Day Challenge is not for everyone. And not everyone has the level of commitment to do what I’m talking about. I won’t judge you if you don’t think it’s for you. I will just wish you luck with no hard feelings.
But for those who have the sincere desire to help their clients, for those who want to be world-changers in whatever way they can, big and small, and for those who dream of doing this while making enough money to not just survive but thrive … for you, keep reading.

Through Gareth’s business coaching I worked on overcoming some damaging belief systems to which I’d been clinging … We, as a team, are now servicing our customers and delivering a product we’re all proud of.
– Darren H.
The 21 Day Challenge:
The challenge is to create $21,000 in new coaching clients in 21 days, starting on the 21st.
At first, this challenge was limited to just Level 6 Coaches. But then we had an idea: why not open it up to the iPEC community and put the Level 6 Outreach and Enrollment System to the test for lots of coaches?
We are looking for coaches who have recently completed Mod 3, and are now faced with the reality of actually having to market themselves (ugh!) and enroll paying clients.
The Details of the 21 Day Challenge
Learn the ONE THING that's holding you back from being able to find High-Paying Clients on demand (without spending a penny on advertising or one minute creating content).
When I began as a coach, I was so scared to put myself out there. Sales can be grueling. But what if I told you how to finally break through fears you have around prospecting and 'selling' by identifying and eliminating the one, deep truth that’s been holding you back?
Create a simple strategy that will quickly and easily move your business from unstable to sustainable (and then scale and ultimately sell it — if you want to).
I teach coaches how to be master enrollers who create clients anytime, anywhere, with anyone!
It’s not what you think. And we will teach you how to do this on the Q&A call before we even get started!
Discover what your coaching is really worth and stop leaving money on the table.
We will teach you a structured approach to prospecting and sales. This framework will continue to provide you with high quality prospective clients long after the challenge is over, and doesn’t require you to sacrifice your value for the sake of winning a client
By learning how to position yourself, your hard-earned iPEC expertise, and the value you provide – all without having to convince the client of anything (they convince themselves) – you will see that sales isn’t about being a pushy jerk, it’s about caring for people and delivering real value.
We want to offer this to you, if you’re committed.
Our Commitment to You During the 21 Day Challenge:
You Will Receive Thousands Of Dollars In Included Resources and Bonuses Such As . . .
Accountability: We will hold you accountable to hitting the $21,000 goal. More than just checking in, we will be giving you specific, actions to take each to grow your business.
You will GET FULL ACCESS TO THE LEVEL 6 OUTREACH AND ENROLLMENT SYSTEM complete with customizable sales and outreach scripts
21 Hours of live coaching to help you with any questions or to tackle any unforeseen issues including . .
Executive Level Coaching: You get 9 Hours with Level 6 founder/Lead Business Coach Gareth Rayner
Group Coaching: 11 Hours of small group coaching so you can learn from other coaches’ wins and setbacks.
All of the necessary business tools to successfully complete the challenge …
Scheduling tool and activity tracker
Niche market already identified with ready to go messaging and conversation scripts, you don’t need to have a niche!
Access to the Accountability Team for Daily coaching and support
In short, we are committed to do everything we can to hold you accountable to hitting the $21,000 goal.
Your Commitment:
I can’t force you to have a thriving coaching business – to do the actual work of building something that impacts others and matters in your life. I can only offer you a proven system. You have to do your part.
Remember when I said this challenge isn’t for everyone? I wasn’t kidding. You need to be resourceful, coachable, and committed. You must be if you’ve read this far, so keep reading.
Your first commitment is to invest $2,100 to reserve your seat in the Q&A call. No other investment. Just $2,100 and you’re in with 21 hours of coaching calls, all of the resources I’ve developed and perfected over the past year and a half, and the proven track record to set up a steady stream of clients WITHOUT INVESTING ONE MORE PENNY.
No Facebook Ads.
No Funnel Systems.
Not even an email campaign at this stage.
But you have to show up. You are committing to …
The goal of creating $21,000 in new clients in 21 days
Do the work
What’s the work and is it achievable in 21 days?
That will be outlined in the kickoff call. And YES! it’s totally achievable for those who are resourceful, coachable, and committed. Here’s an outline:
We are only accepting 21 coaches into this program.
● We only want to work with coaches who are committed and ready to take action
● Program schedule …
○ Q&A Call (week before challenge begins)
○ Week 1
■ 5 Hour Kick Off (Introductions, course review, take action)
■ 4 x 45 min Daily Accountability and Coaching calls with your Team
■ Approx 3 - 4 hours per day for required actions.
○ Weeks 2 & 3
■ 2 Hours (week review of goals & actions)
■ 4 x 45 Min Daily Accountability Team calls
■ Approx 3 - 4 hours per day for required actions.
○ Day 21
■ 1.5 Hour - Retrospective
■ Share Wins/Insights/Breakthroughs
■ Share more about joining the Level 6 Team
But what if I participate in the Q&A kickoff call and don’t like the program you’re outlining?
If after the kickoff Q&A call you choose not to continue with the program for any reason, you will receive a full refund and another coach will be invited to take your place.
The Guarantee.
If you’ve never seen the movie Tommy Boy, there’s a scene where Tommy has a breakthrough around sales and guarantees. “Why would they put a guarantee on the box?”
Guarantees make people “feel warm and fuzzy,” and many never take the offer. It’s a gimmick.
Those who know me know I’m not about gimmicks. Here’s the guarantee:
You will earn at least $2,100 in 21 Days or I’ll make up the difference
$21,000 in 21 Days is a HUGE expectation for most new coaches and we can’t promise that you’re going to get there, but we are sure you will have a solid foundation AND your investment back.
If you don't at least create $2,100 in new clients, we will make up the difference of your $2,100 investment. (I believe you’ll make at least $10k if you show up powerfully, so I feel this is a pretty safe bet).
That’s a fair offer. For just $2,100 you get all the coaching, all the materials and processes I’ve perfected, all the business expertise from coaches with years in the trenches with ZERO RISK as long as you do the work.
Because we’re in the midst of a pandemic as I write this. Small businesses and the families who run them are scared, dealing with anxiety, and they don’t know how to manage their energy to be resourceful.
They need help. Our help. I can’t help them all, but I can begin building an army to help us accomplish this grand mission.
Schedule Your Call NOW.
Now more than ever there are businesses out there that need your help. For ONLY $2,100.
There are ONLY 21 spots available in this challenge. Once those 21 seats are full, you will be added to a waiting list.
If you’re ready to take your enrollment skills to an entirely new level, test yourself to make $21,000 in 21 Days and be part of something AMAZING, now is the time to make a DECISION and INVEST in yourself. Call now, get your questions answered, and make the best decision. 2020 doesn’t have to be a bad year—it could be your best year ever and the best year for the clients you help.
Ready to make $21,000 in 21 Days, guaranteed?
Schedule Your Call Today.
Oh, and if you’re curious about what happens if you’re not willing to do the work – if you’re not willing to do the work, here’s a quick summary . . .
You show up to and participate fully on all the calls, be coachable and committed
You complete all the required actions each day in between calls
If you don’t show up and do the work....3 strikes and you’re out. If you have 3 consecutive days of not taking action you will be:
Day 1 - Coached by Your Level 6 Team mates and Level 6 Team Lead
Day 2 - Coached by the Level 6 Lead Coach
Day 3 - (If you still haven’t taken the required actions) You are removed from the program, and your investment will NOT be refunded.
I’m not messing around. I’m looking for coaches who really want to do something awesome and help me impact small businesses, individuals, their families, and their communities. We’re going to change the world.
To ensure people show up, I want you to have skin in the game. An investment of $2,100 and you get …
The Level 6 proven coaching client framework
The Level 6 Outreach and Enrollment (O&E) System
All of the scripts and business tools to use in your business
Coaching with our team of coaches in 21 individual and group sessions and community support from your fellow coaches
The priceless knowledge, expertise, and frameworks for launching, sustaining, and growing your coaching business
All is yours to keep as long as you show up, put in the work, and stay coachable, committed, and resourceful. I’m committed to helping you help me achieve my mission of changing lives.
But remember, there are only 21 spots available. Schedule your call today so you can get your questions answered. I don’t know how long I’ll keep running this 21 Day Challenge.
Schedule your call now!
Let’s change the world together,
- Gareth

Before we met, I was overwhelmed by all the things I felt I should be doing in my business. Gareth asked just the right questions and provided solid, practical, actionable suggestions … I now have clarity and peace of mind, knowing how to move forward in my business. Thank you!
- Rose
P.S. Remember, we have only 21 spots available. This is a can’t-lose scenario for motivated coaches. If that’s you, don’t wait. Take action today.