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*Prices are per month/year, both paid up front respective to time frame; services are provided per quarter and all packages include:

✓ Complementary Level 6 Business Health Fundamentals Assessment ($1,000 value)

  1. For New or Struggling businesses who need to identify why their business isn't working and what to do about it.

  2. Identify the strengths, weaknesses and gaps in the business model foundations.

  3. Provide a customized, step by step plan for closing the gaps and preparing for growth.

  4. This is required before 'graduating' into the level 6 Business Academy. 


✓ 12 Month Level 6 Profit Acceleration Assessment

  1. For businesses who have a solid foundation and are ready for immediate growth.

  2. Assess the current valuation of the business, and what you want the future valuation to be in the future.

  3. Identify the target Gross and Net Profit Margins, Net Profit Increase targets for the next 12 months.

  4. Identify the specific  growth strategies that could be used to hit those targets, including a project plan to get there, including:

    1. Increase in High Quality Lead generation and nurturing. 

    2. High Probability Lead conversions. 

    3. Increase Transactions to provide more value to each customer.

    4. Increase Pricing, and improve the quality of your customer base.

    5. Increase Profits.


✓ Level 6 Business Academy

  1. Transition, track and get support implementing your Level 6 Profit Acceleration Assessment. 

  2. Quick start program for those who need an immediate cash flow injection.  

  3. 'Out of the box' 12 Month Business Transformation Program  with weekly video training and workbooks.

  4. Access to a HUGE library of Business Growth strategies, tactics and tools. Including, but certainly not limited to:

    1. Offline Marketing strategies that don't cost a penny in paid advertising. 

    2. SEO - Getting your business found on google.

    3. Social Media - Building your tribe with informational and education based content delivery strategy.

Company Wide

✓ This is for larger companies that want a team of coaches, or coaching for the whole company.


✓ 1 additional 8hr Strategic Planning Session - Once per year with leadership team.


✓ Monthly Group/Team Sessions

Team of coaches can be brought in as needed.

$10,000/PER MONTH

$100,000/PER YEAR


✓ This is for Owners who want coaching for their entire leadership team, i.e the CXO team.


✓ Per Quarter:

  • 1 x 8 hr Quarterly Planning Session

  • 2 x 3hr workshops (1 per month)

  • 10 x weekly 45 - 60 min calls)




$5,000/PER MONTH

$50,000/PER YEAR


(1 x 4 hr , 12 x weekly 45 - 60 min calls)


✓ This is working one on one with the business Owner, with spouse or key leadership roles present in the strategy sessions.


✓ Per Quarter:

  • 1 x 4 hr Quarterly Planning Session

  • 12 x weekly 45 - 60 min calls


$2,500/PER MONTH

$25,000/PER YEAR


3 Month 1 on 1/

Closed Mastermind Group


✓ For the Business Owner who needs personal attention for a few months to get organized, then transition to a group of other complementary businesses that are working together to take their business to the next level and potentially create some referral and JV partnerships with other local businesses who are already serving the same target market.


✓ 3 Months 1 on 1, then transition to the mastermind group once you get organized.


✓ Mastermind is a closed group of up to 12 other business owners.


✓ 1 x 2 hr strategy session.


✓ 12 x weekly 45 - 60 mins calls (for the 3 months 1 on 1).


✓ 12 x weekly 90 min group calls (for mastermind members).


$1,000/PER MONTH

$10,000/PER YEAR


Open Group Program



✓ For Business Owners that want access to the Level 6 Academy, and only need one call per month with the coach.


✓ 1 x monthly 45 - 60 min Personal, 1 on 1 Coaching Call.


✓ 4 x weekly 45 - 60 min group Coaching Calls.


✓ Access to online level 6 Business Academy. 















$5,000/PER YEAR

B2B Referral




✓ This is for the members of the Level 6 B2B network that each coach establishes with intention of exchanging client referrals.


✓ Access to online level 6 Business Academy


✓ No coaching calls but the coach can be available via email or the occasional phone call.

















$2,500/PER YEAR

Note*:  We have $0 down options for business owners who have no access to cash flow for the monthly retainer and are open to negotiating a profit share or company ownership arrangement.  These options will require a strict legal contract and owners will be required to take actions identified and required by the coach/consultant.

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